Trying To Get It All Done When You Know You Can’t

In this episode, I have a frank conversation with, full-time professional, father, and part-time podcaster, Cesar Abeid about dealing with all your commitments, the struggle of trying to get it all done, and how he found the right system to help him.

Along the way, we discuss how our approaches to this problem meet and diverge. We share the tools that help us get through the day. Cesar also shows us why you don’t have to take a cookie cutter approach and how someone can customize a productivity system that works for them.


Getting Things Done

Cesar’s Conversation With David Allen




GTD Plugin for Outlook




GTD Notetaker Wallet

PM For the Masses Podcast

Construction Industry Podcast

Depending on where you are reading this: you can listen to the podcast below, at this episode’s page (where you can also download the mp3), or by subscribing through iTunes.

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